In this day and age data is what drives businesses. Analytics are essential to evaluate how your business is performing in the face of competition....
Khan Academy is one of the most popular LMS platforms out there catering to a wide range of users. It is a IRS-recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit...
Howdy Tutor LMS users! Hope you are doing well. Your favorite LMS plugin only keeps getting better as we are back with a new update....
Venturing out into the world of online course business can be quite daunting. Trying to get leads on where to start will almost always introduce...
A side hustle can get you closer to your dream of becoming financially independent. So it’s better to get started early and select a side...
Hello Tutor LMS users! We have a fresh new update for your favorite WordPress LMS plugin “Tutor LMS” rolling out today. In this update, you...
A course curriculum, sometimes more commonly known as the syllabus, is a higher-level view of the inner structure of a course. In today’s blog, we’ll...
This pandemic has taken a big toll on our day-to-day life. But we are proud that our industry-standard LMS plugins “Tutor LMS” have been recognized...
If you’re even a somewhat seasoned WordPress user, you’ve probably heard of Divi. There’s a high chance that you use the Divi builder along with...
Hello eLearning enthusiasts! Welcome to another announcement post for another new version of Tutor LMS. This week’s version takes on several complex issues and hopes...
One of the most prevalent topics of discussion and points of confusion that potential LMS builders and teachers ask is: “How much does building an...
Screencasting is an effective and very helpful teaching method. It gives the students a handy solution to learn anything with ease with actual preview. What’s...